
My least favourite creature in creation, the tick.
Missy's first, yuck.
Fortunately dead, her medication did its job, shame we can't get any for humans. It had still buried into her so needed removing. For scale these special tweezers are pin sharp. Missy got marmite fingers to lick to distract her. She now has a new favourite thing.

A fascinating day volunteering. Putting together very sci-fi looking motor pumped respirator hoods for ambulance crew. Ordered pre covid 19 as our trust, unlike UK Govt. paid attention to the briefings, knew a pandemic was the worst case scenario and made a plan. Bravo. A process started last September now paying fruits, these hoods just can't be bought now for at least the next two years there's so much worldwide demand. We're the 5th organisation in the entire world to issue them. Hopefully they won't be needed, but they've been specified and designed to be component based and operator serviceable.

Philosophy Friday
"give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe"
Abraham Lincoln

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