
By Dudders

Men At Work

A tarmacked Bridleway running from an open recreational park past a large allotment connecting with an un-adopted road and giving access to a local primary school is badly overgrown in places.

Some of the allotment holders have set up a small working group to cut back the more invasive plants (brambles in particular). 200 years ago it would have been the responsibility of the "The Parish" to maintain all of these; the work would have been carried out by those 'living off the parish' as a form of Workfare.

These days its the responsibility of the District Council who clearly face budgetary pressures such that this type of activity rarely gets  to the top of the council's "To Do" list. So thanks to some hard working volunteers.

I was reminded (yet again) of Jerome K Jerome's Three Men In A Boat quote about the fascination of watching work (rather than doing it!). 

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