Seattle .. Covid Spring
Have not been downtown for a least 3 months, but today we drove down to pick up an electric motor battery that has been at the shop since last fall. NO hurry! it goes to the island of course. Sigh. Heard today that the coast guard is patrolling the border ports to make sure no-one is trying to get there in their boats. More cars in the city than I expected, but still almost moribund…we made very fast time. I couldn’t decide so made a collage,…who knows when I’ll be there again and it won’t look like this, I hope.…. Might have to look large….clockwise from top left: one of the main north/south streets with Smith tower. Then old section Pioneer Square where we were going to pick up our battery, with King train station tower, then some of the creative plywood murals covering some of the closed small businesses. (the banner on the ducks says “don’t forget to wash your flippers”, another empty street —with alternative transportation -looking west (there used to be a viaduct in the way here…now you can see across Puget sound! ) and then REI (Recreational Equipment company, on the way home. They will deliver curbside what you order online.
While I think I do better than many at this isolation stuff, I must admit a REAL coffee break is lovely with a REAL person, for some different conversation than with the one we spend all our time with. This is friend Mike (MNNaylor) at our Roanoke Streetend Park this morning, one bench away. It has this great willow tree and if you look just past her, you can see downtown and the space needle. Kids have been busy with new chalk drawings. We agreed that the worst part now is nothing definitive to look forward to—even tho there is so many interesting programs online…it gets tiresome.
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