The Palace Pier

Lockdown Day 53

I took Bobbie to the vets, and had to phone them when I arrived, and Sarah the vet came out to the car to have a chat about the problem and then took Bob with her while I had to wait in the car.  When she brought him back, she said that his ear was very red and waxy so she'd put something in it that sits there working for a week.  Because he'd had the infection in the other ear she put it down that ear too, just in case there's anything still there.  I have to take him back next week to have it done again and then the week after for his ears to be cleaned out, so it's going to be rather pricey, but as long as it solves the problem.

I dropped him at home and then I went back out - I needed to go to the supermarket, but wanted to go into Brighton and have a play with my new lens.  I wanted to see if I can get the whole of the Royal Pavilion in a shot and I could, but unfortunately there was scaffolding up, so I'll save that for another day.   I had a walk round a very quiet Brighton, took photos of The Lanes which I've never seen so empty - it was quite sad seeing all the shops empty and closed up.  As I was walking down one of the Lanes a lady was walking towards me, so I stepped into a little alley to give her the space to walk past (The Lanes are less than 2 meters wide!)  Anyway, we ended up having a distanced chat and it turned out that she was one of the shop owners and had just been to check her shop was ok.  She said it's going to be a long time before they re-open because The Lanes are so narrow, it's not going to be possible for people to queue outside the shops - what a worry for them!

From there I walked down to the beach, and then I drove to Preston Manor Gardens, but didn't hang around for long as there were too many people here and I had to keep dodging people with kids.

I didn't have to queue to get in Asda, but there were quite a lot of people in the store which makes wonder if they're slacking off a bit.  Interestingly, more people appeared to be wearing masks.  The shopping done, I then went home to wash it all before putting it away which I think took even longer!

Homemade butternut squash lasagne for dinner, clapping with the neighbours and that's another day in lockdown done!

Today Mum and I should have been flying to Kraków for our annual trip together, instead I’ve submitted a refund application to EasyJet, they’ve said they hope to process it within 28 days, but not to contact them for 90 days. At least we had the option to claim a refund, but it’s such a shame as it’s mum’s birthday on Sunday.

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