Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008


Welsh poppies - Meconopsis cambrica

Today began with me feeling unwell, but I've been so spoilt.  First a friend turned up on the doorstep with a huge pot of lilies she'd bought on a two-for-one from Homebase.  And then another friend fetched my prescriptions from the chemist - how lovely is that?

So I haven't had to go out at all.  Just slept and read.  And this morning I blipped these Welsh poppies for WildFlowerWeek.

Normally I don't pick wildflowers - unless they are growing in my garden. This one seeded itself here ages ago and pops it's head up every year.  Somehow, with the good weather tempting me out and with waiting for my new lightbox to arrive, I've left blipping it until the poppies have got a bit spoilt, but I still think them worth a shot.  They are so beautifully made, aren't they, with their perfect stamens and shimmery silky petals.

Hope your day's been a good one.  Take care  xx

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