How did they know

This is a flower from a bouquet that I received today from our little Friday breakfast club girls. When I opened them I just cried.

I went over to mum's this morning. She was in a lot of pain and could not get comfortable. Eventually she fell into a deep sleep. I wandered up and down the bungalow to check on her.  
The district nurse was due, so I thought I would discuss with her my mum, I also had a call into the GP.
I decided to check some emails and when replying to one I heard a horrible noise . I ran down the corridor to My mum . She was making a really horrible noise and shaking/convulsing. I dialled 999 and spoke to the operator. He was lovely and very calming - their job I know. He stayed on the line till the paramedics arrived.

They tried to assess my mum. Although unconscious she put up a fight to assist them in any of their tests. Pulling away, or rolling back on her side when they put her on her back. The GP rang and I let the paramedic speak to her. The GP said it would be best for my mum to stay in the home.  The paramedics decided this was not viable in my mums state and also they said for me. She was in too bad a state to stay at home. 

They rolled her in a big sheet and put her on the stretcher chair and put her in the ambulance.  I got a few minutes to give her a kiss goodbye.

Very late that night the hospital rang to say that she may have had  a stroke and has sepsis. I need to start to think about how I want her last few days/weeks of her life to be.

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