Snap shots of life...

By Countrypreneur

Local (Snowshill Farm) Lavender Soap

The sun came out again today - made such a difference. Flung open the workshop doors & had a big old making day of Lavender Swirl soaps, Traveller 5in1 bars, Lavender & Teatree and some Little Beast Pet Bars.... Been feeling a bit throaty so hoping the lavender & Teatree hues will nip it in the bud!

Then this evening it was back to my Jan 1st resolutions... Which are going well (asides the no alcohol one which has gaped to allow in the odd glass of fizz, rum & diet coke and one glass of vino... But odd being the operative word!) tonight was session 1 at night school for the photography course. I loved it & already finally understand depth of field, aperture and shutter speeds... Will slowly release the big camera off auto and start playing...!

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