Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2020 Wednesday — Facetime

Sometime just after 11:00 this morning my phone rang with the unique sound that told me I had a FaceTime session about to begin with granddaughter Ashly and her little guy, R.J. We have a blast talking to him and watching as he is now taking a half-dozen steps at a time before slumping to the floor and crawling with lightning speed. Talking to the two of them is always delightful and a bright spot in our day. Today it was the bright spot.

Waiting for our 1:30 telephone appointment with Mr. Fun’s surgeon was not a bright spot (see below).

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Summary of Doctor’s phone call:

The 1:30 doctor phone call arrived at 2:35 today. Waiting was frustrating. The results of Mr. Fun’s bone scan — 0% cancer. The CT Scan, though, shows no cancer in the lymph nodes except for one very enlarged lymph node at the bottom of the pelvis right about where the aorta blood vessel divides to go down the legs AND the doctor explained that it is in a very difficult place to do a biopsy or to remove it. And he says it’s very unusual.

He also alluded to, didn’t go into detail, but mentioned that lymph node as being in a precarious place that leads to many other places.

So the doctor wants to postpone surgery till September and start with hormone therapy — lupron — 1 injection — to shrink the cancer and see whether the lymph node shrinks (we are confused about this detail). He said the enlarged nymph node could be caused by the April 15 biopsy (he doesn’t know).

SO, we are waiting for a phone call from the nurse to find out when the injection of lupron can happen — this Friday? or this Monday? and then we will be headed south to our Kaiser Medical facility.

So, we are stunned! Confused! and not looking forward to such a short stay here on California’s Central Coast.

Good night,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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