About to turn

By jMcLean


Some angles in the fenced-in garden. My stepdad Dave and I built the raised beds a decade ago, and we replaced most of the boards in 2018. Not everything stays in the beds, as you can see. There are three smaller beds inside the perimeter ones, and W. and I hope to replace these with brick. At some point we'll add a fourth, where currently there's an unused jungle gym. But we'll never get rid of the swings!

A beautiful sunny clear day, and warmer. I got quite a bit of writing done in the morning and worked in the garden while daughter I. daydreamed on the swings. A cowbird serenaded us. Then heard the news that my stepdad fell this morning and is in the hospital awaiting surgery as soon as possible. Awful for him and for my mom, home alone and unable to see him. Wish I could be there too.

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