Spreading Its Wings
Thanks for all of the lovely comments, stars and hearts on yesterday's hopping house finch.
Got lucky again today. I noticed this mourning dove was considering flying down to the ground. It did, but in a different direction than I anticipated but I did manage to keep the entire bird in the frame.
I'm saddled with a last bit of fatigue. I guess being out as long as I was yesterday after being such a couch potato took more out of me than I thought and I spent most of the day sleeping. The temperature was more seasonal (<90°/32°) so I wish I had been able to enjoy it.
Depite Arizona being on the CDC's top ten watch list as a potential CoVid-19 disaster, our governor, Doug Ducey, is letting his stay at home order expire on Friday.
I made reservations in the mountains beginning 10 days from now. I haven't gotten any sleep since I was there in March, when I slept like a rock plus it will be nice to get away from all the madness.
While this song was meant for a different time, it still brings tears to my eyes: We Are The World
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