The story so far...


Bottoms up

We woke up very early to a surprise this morning: no power or central heating. The whole road was in darkness! We moved cam to our bed as the baby monitor was out and to make sure he didn't get cold. We have never tried co sleeping before but after poor daddy got repeated punched, kicked and pushed out of the bed by our little guest it is clear is not a sleeping arrangement that could have worked for us. No matter how big the bed is, one bed hog is more then enough and as cam seems to have inherited this trait, daddy would have spent the last 8 months sleeping on the sofa!
One good thing that the day provided was the proof that cam has the strength in his legs to get on his knees and higher but the wooden floor seem to be preventing him from showing this of down stairs. Could it possibly mean he will be crawling soon?
P.S. power was restored mid afternoon, thank goodness.

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