Here and Now

By Mole

Captions Please!

Another day of taking hundreds of oriole photos since several more pairs and males, including a juvie, showed up today to fight for the treats.

The character above interrupted the action of said photographer and birds when he clambered over the fence, crossed the lawn, dug up a walnut in the flower garden, and carried it off to the stone pile.  I love the look on his face!  What do you think he's thinking/saying/doing?

It was a simply gorgeous day so I walked to - surprise - the cemetery of course - where I found the juvenile Cooper's Hawk apparently napping on a tree branch.  Either that or he was just very still.

Thanks to our wonderful host Cailleach who I hope isn't working too hard.

Thanks for your appreciative comments on yesterday's oriole and especially for visiting.  Be safe and take care. X

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