Safe Shopping

Sip 59, Ankle 28

After spending some time in the garden this morning (finally planted the string bean seeds I saved from last year), we headed downtown to the Farmers’ Market. I sat in the car to observe all the comings and goings, and Mr S made little forays out to get salmon, strawberries, potatoes, shiitakes and sprouts. This vendor had a designated person to spritz shoppers with hand sanitizer as they entered the booth. Everyone is required to wear masks, and safe distances are marked with tape. It all seemed to be working well enough, and then it started to rain. Not much more than a sprinkle, but enough to get a person wet as they went about their erranding. 

Late breaking news: two hundred goats escaped from their farm in San Jose and ran amok in the nearby suburban neighborhood. Hilarious footage of them nibbling on roses and shrubbery. Two hundred is a lot of goats!

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