
By LifeLines

Lunchtime Pottering

Merlin and I used our new freedom to take a walk to the allotment as our lunchtime break.  It felt wonderful to be out during the day!  We found the potatoes had been caught by the cold last night so the leaves were a little blackened.  So while Merlin sat on the grass and observed, I earthed up the potatoes and covered them with a fleece in the hope they will survive - it is going to be around freezing for a few nights yet.  These flowers are at the entrance to my allotment and are there to attract the bees and other pollinators.   Merlin and I pottered home together and had another walk before dinner.  What a luxury it felt to be out twice in one day.  I realised today it must be at least eight weeks since I have left the village.  

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