"Spot the "dog"?
For dog, read "FROG".
Plan B - again; I already had a line-up of potential Blips.
I was out harvesting vit. D again and found a pot full of dead Clivia; as much/more dead root than soil.
I decided to use it to add a little height to one of my nearly-raised beds. As I whanged onto one of the beds this wee beastie leapt aside with alacrity.
To get in there s/he must have climbed 5-10 times his/her height and had a bit of a roll around in there too by the looks of it. It looked so warty and lumpy, at first glance I thought "How the great grey-green greasy Limpopo did I get a Toad that size in here?"
I refused to wash it, but did evict it. I should have maybe left it as a slugicide/insecticide?
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