Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Curtain Call

Well, it's not a curtain, it's a quilt for the bed in the flat. I took the picture out in the garden, and the colours look so bright in direct sunlight. It's somewhat more muted indoors.

This is positively its last appearance in my journal. I'm glad to have a picture of a finished object that I can send to my teacher, Pat. She's been doing videos of projects to keep us busy and so far I've not tried any of them. But now I can get on with making masks, or a scrap quilt, or a handy little carrier for hand sanitiser. Maybe not that one. And I have another finished top waiting to be quilted. I'll leave that till the winter, I think.

Singing with Robyn this morning. More new songs, and a few old ones. It's harder than learning in class, and because she can't hear us, I suspect we'll have to relearn them when we get back together, there's not nearly as much repetition on line, and it would be very tedious if there were. Also there are fewer digressions and diversions, and we've all had enough after an hour and a half. But it is nice to be able to see everyone.

And then it was back to the weeding. Still no real rain, just passing showers. The first strawberries are ripening in the green house.

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