Harvesting too soon

We rarely walked this path in the past as it was challenging to follow being indistinct and passing through the garden of someone who didn’t want the path there.

Very recently, this fence has been put up dividing a huge field into three sections. According to a planning notice there is a proposal to erect stock sheds and other buildings alongside the motorway and use this land for animals of some sort. Hence the fence.

Although not on the exact line of the path it’s become the path. Further along it makes a T junction with another path which now runs between two fences, making that path wider and easier to navigate and avoid the dog poo which used to be in abundance on the path. Susan is picking some barley stalks growing inside the path on the premise they won’t be harvested. She’s going to use them in flower displays.

There are crops in the field, barley as you can see. It’s not being cultivated this year as there’s much oilseed and many weeds in the fields too. We can’t really work out what’s been going on.

Otherwise, a reasonably standard lockdown Wednesday with Joe Wicks first thing. It was hard today. I got out to M&S to shop for Doreen and after lunch we went for this walk.

Rock Choir Zoom for me this ever followed by fish and chips. There’s another sourdough loaf proving and more than enough starter discard to make a pizza vase tomorrow.

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