Another Walk in the Life Of

I feel as though I have covered every inch of the area within 3 miles of the Dower House on foot or on 2 wheels over the last 2 months. Things are getting repetitive, and with no comforting coffee shop to break the journey I seem to be back in the house before I’ve realised I have left. Today I stravaiged along the canal and home through leafy Merchiston, the erstwhile haunts of at least 3 famous authors.
The May sun was out but the temperature first thing in the morning was more like that of January. Also out were the sweaty joggers and the bell- less cyclists both of which entailed a quick side chassé on my part to maintain the required separation.
The wide residential streets of Merchiston were so much quieter than the busy canal tow path and the spring flowering bushes in the gardens so fresh and vivid - a feast for the eye.

I was home in time to have my lonely coffee before more baking. Last week I bought what I thought were overripe bananas but which I have been told were probably plantains.
I found a recipe for plantain bread as opposed to banana bread and there is a loaf cooling as I write. It looks as if it will be edible - well the uncooked mixture on the spoon tasted good!

I couldn’t decide on one photo so I’ve taken the easy way out and put the whole lot into one frame. I never was much good at decisions.

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