
A lovely day and a quiet morning.  TT gardened and I did a few things about the house.  We had an early-ish lunch, then TT and I headed out in the sunshine for a walk.

I couldn’t believe how hot it was, however rain had been forecast, so TT had packed rain coats.  Our plan was to explore a path we had never been along before and to then join up with the route we walked last Saturday, though we would be walking that part in reverse.

Our route appeared to be quite well signed, but we went wrong after passing a farm and ended up in someone’s garden.  A very helpful man must have spotted us looking lost, as he appeared and sent us on our way, with directions of where we went wrong.  He also advised us to take a  slight detour due to very wet ground.  We followed his suggestion and our feet stayed dry.  Although the ground was dry you could tell it had been very wet and churned up by cattle at some point in the recent past.  Thankfully there were no cows in the field. 

We carried on and then drops of rain appeared.  I suggested it might be a good time to put our coats on – TT said we would be fine and it was cooling.  He was right, it didn’t last long and we soon dried off.  As we approached a hamlet, we met a man walking his dog, who stopped us for a chat.  We then went our separate ways and we continued till we got to the road and kept gping till we met up with our route of last Saturday.  We walked along to Traprain Law,, then down to Hailes Castle and back along the river and onwards to home.

We were both very hot and weary when we got home and we both enjoyed a drink in the garden.

Later TT and I watched The Missing – which we had never watched before.

We passed by this farm on our walk, which has a very dilapidated steading, but still has a chimney.

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