Common carder bumblebee

I think!!! I’ve looked it up and could be completely wrong. I was out in the garden looking to take a flower picture when I found this!!

A really cold night last night, so I needed the heated beanie bag to warm up my feet. It worked well and I slept like a log.

An hour in the potting shed this morning, all wrapped up, but I was freezing cold again by the time the job was done.

We started on processing the nurses league forms which arrived on Monday. A bit of a nightmare which took 4 hrs for this stage, which needs to be done. I have earned the large pink gin and tonic which has just appeared in front of me.

I did get about 30 minutes sewing done during the day, but I stopped to take a phone call and had to leave things to be continued tomorrow.

How could I forget to say this is week 9, day 1!!!

I caught hedgehog in the box noisily chomping on the biscuits at about 11pm. At the rate he is going he will be too big to get in the box.

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