Old Hospital

Today's been a busy one! 

I did a work-out with kettlebells, then had breakfast. I'd intended starting doing housework at 10 AM, but Minstrel was fast asleep on my lap, so I sat for another hour. When he stood to stretch, I cuddled and kissed him - he decided he couldn't be doing with that, and walked off!

So I managed to clean the kitchen. It took less time than I expected. Obviously it is nowhere near as bad as last time I did it. I'm pretty much keeping on top of housework now. Having music on helps me not to feel so hopeless when I'm doing it, and I can get more done!

I bought a speaker so I can connect my MP3 player or tablet to it for listening to music and that was delivered today so I won't need to have my laptop taking up space in the kitchen any more. Now I just need to put some music by a couple of my new favourites onto my MP3...

I did the Tesco shopping tonight - it felt quite peaceful in store, not too many people around. The trolley had a strong will of its own though - wrestling it around the shop felt like another workout! 

I took this photo on my walk up to Tesco. It is part of the old hospital building, which I think has offices in, and maybe the staff childcare unit. The windows are eye-catching. When I took the shot a woman came over and asked if I was taking photos of the cars, as apparently some cars had been broken into. 

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