Longing and Regret
An inanimate bronze
Meets an inanimate poster face
Locked in an iconic stare
Of inert sensuality
Full of longing
To be free of the emotions
Projected upon them
A symbol of the masculine
Meets a symbol of the feminine
Locked in a virtual embrace
Of untouchable possibility
Full of regret
At being imprisoned by feelings
I cannot escape
I've been in Birmingham today and managed to grab ten minutes before the workshop I was attending to take some pictures. The sun was out and, as you might expect, I took some photos of the Selfridges building at the Bullring. Blip sorted, I thought, but I found the image I present here far more compelling. I'm not going to try to explain why but words just came into my head on the train ride home. They almost demanded to be journalled today. Who am I to argue?
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