Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

1978. New Mask.....

.....but not for me! I made this for my eldest as they are using a homemade one at work as the GP Practice they are based in do not supply PPE for staff unless they are doing face to face patient contact. This seems really ridiculous to me as they have supplied scrubs but not masks?
They wanted a Star Trek one and I found the correct colours but couldn’t do the extra bits like the badges or yellow dots but I did find a broken silver Viking brooch in my sewing box and as they are doing Viking studies at uni at the same time as working full time as a pharmacist I sewed it on the side...as it’s silver they can wash it without having to remove it.

PS for anyone wondering about my use of they/them for my offspring....they are non binary so I don’t use male/female pronouns.

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