Monday: Empty Carpark

I had a day off today which was a nice way of expanding a fun weekend.

We took Barney to the vet for his regular shots and to have him weighed.  We had to have him in in his box and hand him over at arm’s length outside.  The vet called to ask how he had seemed in the last few days and whether he was eating.  He’s actually seemed fine but it turns out that he has a dental condition which means that the enamel on his canines is wearing away.  Apparently it’s quite a painful condition and the only thing that can be done is for them to be removed so that’s something that has to be arranged.  He should be fine, just lacking two teeth.......

While we waited I walked to the library to drop off a book - to no avail, though, as the book drop was closed, which I should have realised.  Anyway, the car park, which is normally full was strikingly empty.......

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