Suns Up.....Levels Down..

Wonderful sunrise this morning and great news on the Virus front with Level 2 on Thursday but only 10 people at a gathering and no pubs until next week with the same rules. Boozing will never be the same but The Boss is not bothered as he gave up “Boozing” 50 years ago and has never missed it. 
Mystery Extra....What’s happening here.......

TTTT. (Tiny Tussocks Terrific Tips)  The sunrise was shot with the Lumix on a tripod and the self timer was used to fire the shutter. .This is an essential tip as the action of touching the shutter button will move the camera and cause the final image to lose sharpness with low light and especially with a ton of zoom on. (Thats lens zoom NOT the internet thingy ...OK? 
Domestic travel will be on again but The Bossess will still be here as there are not many planes flying to Queenstown or shuttles going over the Crown Range either for quite a while I think...

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