...And Another Thing

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Ugh. Today was a nightmare. Just one thing after another after another after another.

And because so many people have left MPI, it was left to my good self to fix things. I felt like a programmer again, and remembered why I STOPPED being a programmer.

I think it's important to stop at times like these. Just slam on the brakes and remind yourself of what is important and what is NOT important. Pussycats, like Jasper here, are important. Resolving data issues so that a successful implementation email can be sent to the board - NOT important.

So I stopped. And I had a biscuit.

Biscuits. Also important. 

In other news, I had an interview for a new contract today. This one I am feeling more positive about. I was interviewed by a nice Irish lady. I could work for her, I thought to myself. She'll be good with the craic. 

The craic. Important.

So I have a 2nd interview with her and another BA on Friday. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I wouldn't mind a jobbymoon, but it would be nice to have something else to go to. Someone has to pay for all of those biscuits.


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