BARGAIN BUY - and a curious cat.
Back to usual for a Wednesday today with an hour or so with Jan's mother in law D while Jan took the dog for a walk. D has alzheimer's and seemed even more confused today. She was under the impression that she had just moved into her house - even though she has lived there for years - and kept referring to her dog as her son. However she remains cheerful and chatty and oblivious to her confusion.
Then to Asda for the weekly shop. My blip shows a bargain I picked up. Its a tin containing a little bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream and 3 chocolates. ( a nice little treat for later ) Cost ... 50p. Lily managed to get into the shot too - typical.
The weather today has been dry but there has been a fierce cold wind, Not pleasant to be outdoors so when I got back from Asda I battened down the hatches and put the heating on.
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