
I could not get myself going today. 

Maybe it was the change in weather - it was 2ºc when I got up, and I had the heating on all morning. It was 18ºc yesterday. 

What really works for me on a Monday morning to get me started is a case I can get a bit of job satisfaction from, but today it was the opposite - bad news on one and a new one which is just an irritation. 

Well, there's always Tuesday. 

One little project I am doing whilst locked up in the house is to scan some old photos, and that got me a Blip tonight too. 

It is Gérdardmer in the Vosges in Alsace, just a bit west of Colmar. I was there in 19something-a-long-time-ago. I think I took the photo with a Kodak Brownie.    


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