Windy and Colourful

I took the car to the lake this morning to watch the sun rise.  Someone had a fire lit by the tree, then abandoned it.  I was quite worried, as it was windy, and the sparks were flying everywhere.  I asked a fellow photographer to help me put it out, and she did by grabbing a firey log (18 inches long),  and throwing it in the lake.  I got some wet driftwood and threw it on the fire.  It was soon out.  I was relieved about that.

After lunch I went for a short walk to the lake, and the remains of the fire looked pretty sodden, as it was raining. 

The extra is of the slow progress of the latest Wasgij.  I have had the fire going all day, so snug and warm.  The government is going to tell us this afternoon if we are going down to Level 2.  I certainly hope so.

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