Wind Turbines

I was worried I might sleep in today, as I was back in the office today – first time for a  couple of weeks.  It was nice to get dressed in something other than trackie bottoms and a t-shirt.   It was quite a busy day, which was good.  We are all volunteers,  brought together from other teams, but we always seem to get on well.  Maybe it is the joint endeavour.

When I went to work it was a gorgeous morning, with a bright blue sky.  When I left it was grey, but very warm.  I had a very quick walk around Calton Hill to clear my head before driving home.  I then had to log into my laptop as I had things to do for my day job.  I was expecting to find a number of emails with contributions, that I planned to bring together quite quickly.  Much to my dismay, no one had sent their contributions to me, so I spent a couple of hours chasing people up, which was very frustrating.  I eventually logged off about 7pm.    All in all it was a long day,

At least I didn’t have to cook, as  we had pizzas delivered this afternoon.  BB has been waiting for a week in anticipation.

Later we clapped, then I went out for my daily exercise.

Another sunset over the Forth - spot the wind turbines.  The extra is a view from Calton Hill. It’s dominated by Hibs stadium at Easter Road, but you can also see the cruise ships out in the Forth.

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