The wind was driving hard on top of this Iron Age Hill fort, the triangulation point was more tripod. The battery'd gone flat on my camera. I'd taken some shots of a Short Wave transmitter site being demolished before it died but thought I'd depart from my signature transmitter shots (keep up!) with this one instead.
We'd gone to see the masts that remained as MrP had worked there at the beginning of his career. My voice will also have been transmitted from there when I worked at the BBC World Service Sports department. The site is being decommissioned as the internet is now a way for people to listen and resources are limited. Some say listeners are being abandoned who don't have access. The piles of twisted metal were indeed sad to see, but I couldn't get close enough to tell the tale.
- 0
- 0
- Apple iPhone 4S
- f/2.4
- 4mm
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