
This is the face of a dog whose morning nap was interrupted by a trip to the vet. Poor Polly (and I) had a bad night last might as she couldn’t settle for the first four hours. This was either due to pain from her left hind leg, which she’s struggling with currently, or stress from having been left alone while we all went to the street party (she’s got used to us all being around most of the time since lockdown). Anxiety would have increased her heart rate and this in turn would have impacted her lung symptoms. I suspect it was a bit of both. Anyway, she’s got some more painkillers and we have to call the vet on Monday to review things.

When we took her there this morning we had to wait outside while she was taken from the back of the car, examined in the clinic, and then returned to the back of the car. The vet came out to talk to us afterwards, togged up in PPE, and it was all very efficient. As I type, Polly is snoozing soundly in her bed, so fingers crossed that tonight will be better. It’s not easy being an old dog.

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