derbyshire level

Our friend lost her Dad this week - three friends have lost a parent during lockdown and my heart aches for anyone grieving at the moment. We wanted to bless her with some home baking but then discovered that she usually bakes for tons of single older people on a Saturday. So we took on the task for her this week and it was so much fun! I can’t believe she does that every week though - what a gorgeous human.

The added bonus was gassing on people’s driveways - meaning that our lunchtime walk eventually started at 5pm. Fun to chat but sad to hear of some who were struggling. I came home with tons of treats that one of the ladies insisted on sending for the kids and found a bag of rhubarb on my doorstep - winning at life!


1. The new oven - it’s a goodun’;
2. An absorbing task;
3. A very delicious gin and tonic.

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