Middleton Lakes Nature Reserve
Today we started our new set on monthly photographs for 2013. The location is quite different from last year's Cannock Chase one. The reserve is made up of large gravel pits and also some woodland. It is an RSPB site.
The weather was very windy, but sunny. There was so much mud though, thank goodness we were in walking boots, but wellies would have been much better.
This photo shows Drayton Bassett church in the distance. This is the village that the famous Drayton Manor Theme Park is named after.
I almost did you a made-up photograph to illustrate the highlight of my visit. A little robin ate some seed from my hand! I was so pleased that my film canister of bird seed was full. As I negotiated a very muddy bit, clinging to a bush the little robin was close by. I stopped and put seed in my hand and he hopped on and ate some! Sadly 'A' was a little way behind, and the robin would not repeat it when'A' got his camera ready.
It will be interesting to see what it is like next month.
PS - looked at 'A's' photos. This little robin was the one I was coaxing to have his photo taken on my hand. Was he the one who hopped on earlier? We'll never know.
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