A full on day followed by a
20minute power nap, when I SHOULD have been watching Gardener's World ... tut! tut! I won't be allowed to forget that ... Life is tooo short!!!!!!
Back blip ... as I was obviously asleep when I might have blipped. ...
Did 2 loads of washing, pegged out, watered everything in the greenhouse, then decided to go in search of compost. I went to Plants Galore, the store that has been trading throughout the lockdown, ignoring local council regs. I got there at 9ish, no queue to go in, a few customers queued to pay and leave. I bought bedding plants for mum, U nails/staples, compost, Rooster Booster for me. Then I shopped at the Coop. It still amazes me that the staff do not clean the handles on the trollies, nor is there anyone controlling the number of customers entering the store. Amazing Coop!!! I bought fruit & veg for both myself & Mum, then passed Mum on the road as she was walking back from exercising Indie. Unpacked Mums provisions, then mentioned that she wanted her hair cut. I had two pairs of scissors in my bag. She was up for it .... "Dad would have a fit if he could see my hair". Not sure why dd had "thing" about the length of Mum's hair anyway. She sat outside, I snipped, note, snipped, not hacked, her hair. I was actually very pleased with the result as was Mum. We then had a coffee sat outside in the sunshine. This weather is glorious!. Back to Chudleigh & home to Mr Happy. I'd obviously spent too long at Mum's. Tough!
I headed up to the allotment site at 3ish. There was a big VE Day celebration planned for Chudleigh before Corvid19, Alan, one of the allotmentees had organised most of it, or been involved in organising it, as it was cancelled he suggested we had a small gathering, 2mtrs apart obviously on the community area. We took our own refreshments, a plate of very delicious scones, jam, & cream arrived, swiftly followed by a Vic sponge ... Both greatfully accepted and devoured not by me though, I was happy with my can of Magners. I met a couple of newbies to the site and we chatted gardening. Very enjoyable!. Back to base, I made pasties or dinner. Size 10's again .. I cannot for the life of me make small pasties, so guess what we have for dinner again tonight.
A dear friend, Jeb, passed away yesterday. He & his twin sister Jacquie plus family lived next door to our family when we were kids. Jeb, Jacquie, & I shared a birth date, although they were 2 years older than me. We shared our birthday with another villager, Ellen Sweetland, she was old enough to be our grandmother. On our birthday she would always give us a silver sixpence, until she passed away. Jeb was a real character, poacher, farm labourer, worked on the roads when they were being built, briefly in a relationship but it did'nt last long, he was a bit of a loner, but loved his pint, & his ciggies which unfortunately cost him his life. R.I.P Jeb.
Thanks to admirer for hosting Flower Friday. I love this vibrant orange azalea against the blue water butt in the background. Reminds of the Mediterranean
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