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VE Anniversary Toast

FRIDAY VE Day 75th Anniversary

I remember in the early 1960s, as a child, watching “All our Yesterdays” on tv and my late parents talking about WW2 events and VE Day. To me, at the time, it might as well have been ancient history. To my mum and dad it was still recent memory.

Prue spent the morning baking for a lockdown VE Day afternoon tea (see extra) - Soda Bread, Sultana Scones and V for victory Victoria Sponge. I draped a Union Jack on the front of the house. At 3 pm we FaceTimed Harriet for the celebratory toast.

A good lockdown day in the sun and a short evening walk.

Unfortunately there are still idiots in the neighbourhood risking a criminal record by breaching the Coronavirus Regulations which say that you cannot leave the curtilage of your home without reasonable excuse except for the specified reasons.

Sadly, the list of people I know of (friends, friends of friends and work colleagues) who have or have had the virus is now in double figures.

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