Fish Supper Tonight

I was planting potatoes and heard a little splashing noise in the pond behind me. A snake had caught one of the fish! No, my camera was inside! The snake and struggling fish were amongst the rocks on the side of the pond when I got back. Fortunately for the fish, the snake heard me on the rocks and dropped its supper. I actually doubt it could have swallowed that fish, it couldn't open its mouth any wider. I picked the fish up, threw it in the pond and it swam off to swim another day! Extra shows the head markings for the snake experts amongst you who can tell me what kind it is maybe? It is about a metre long and very thin.

P.S. It is a grass snake (Natrix natrix) and is one of three water snakes in Switzerland – Females can grow to up to 140cm, males are smaller. The grass snake was named Animal of the Year for 2015 by the nature protection organisation Pro Natura. The population of the reptile, also known as the ringed snake or water snake, is considered “vulnerable” in Switzerland. How amazing that it is living in our garden!

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