Random Andom

By RandomAndom

Day 29: The Day That Ended On A Promise

This evening McCombers and I had planned to go to see Lincoln, however after a long hard day at work for both of us, we decided we couldn't be arsed.
Instead we stayed in and watched three episodes of Dexter season 4! That show just keeps getting better and better. I cooked my famous " Andy's Pasta" which consists of pasta and loads o stuff chucked in.
Tonight it contained chicken, tomatoes, peppers, onions, mushrooms, garlic, chilli and some mixed herbs. It was bloody lovely, even if I do say so myself.
It's very rare that McCombers ever cooks for me, so this Saturday she has promised to cook me her famous Creamy mushroom pork.
I cannas wait.

I hope she does the dishes too.

The pic above was made using the scrabble fridge magnets McCombers got me for Christmas they have came in very useful for blipping in the past month. Although I don't have enough letters, hence the reason the second M in mushroom is the blank tile. I am seriously considering buying another set so I can leave more elaborate messages on my fridge.

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