
By Missycat

Day 46 Abstract Abacus

I had little time for playing with abstracts today as it was a busy one. I've chosen the distorted abacus as it sums up how challenging homeschooling a 5 year old can be, as I have discovered for myself!
Daughter #2 cannot be furloughed as the government regs prevent an employer from furloughing anyone who wasn't on their payroll by 1 March.  I suppose the reasoning is to prevent some sort of cheating by taking folk on at the last minute merely to furlough them at the governments expense, but basically if you went to a new job late February, before all this blew up, and didn't get paid until after 1 March you are stuffed.  Options left are going to work if allowed, taking unpaid leave, or being made redundant.
Rant over, and feeling better for getting that off my chest!  We came out this evening, as every Thursday, to clap and cheer for the essential workers, caring for us and keeping the country going.  Tomorrow no tea parties are planned for our end of the street but a neighbour has suggested that we come into our front gardens at 4pm and raise a glass to celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE Day.
Posting this on Friday ( pics done on the actual day of course) so I'll be back in a few hours with a VE shot!
Many thanks as always to Ingeborg for her continued hosting.

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