Izzy Wizzy

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

If you are now mentally saying to yourself, "let's get busy" then you were as indoctrinated by Sooty and Sweep as I was. 

As an aside, I had my own Sooty and Sweep hand-puppets as a child. Sweep had a squeaker thing inside so he could theoretically "talk" but the squeaker didn't squeak properly. It just sort of squelched. So my Sweep could only fart. Which was actually sort of better.

Today was massively busy at work. I started at 6pm yesterday and worked through until 10pm as part of our long-awaited* deployment. Then this morning I found I couldn't sleep so started again at 5am through to 4pm. 

My part of the deployment is a data migration which is sort of shambolic. I wrote a design for it back in July last year but no-one got around to building it until December. By which point they realised that there was no-one in the department who could do the "land" part of my Extract-Transform-Land suite. 

As a result, a big part of the migration is still hugely manual. So I have been farting about with spreadsheets all day. Caro noted all the activity and I explained to her that this was 5 weeks of inactivity coming to bite me in the arse, finally.

Karma, as they say, is a dick. 

So that was my day today. My head is still sort of spinning with it all.


* By which I mean, it was supposed to be finished by November last year. Then January this year. Then March. Then April. 

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