
By KatesGardenPDX

The Mystical Bud Blossomed!

An exquisite day today, with the weather turning summer-like for the next few days. We're expecting highs in the mid-80's F (30 C) and then showers starting Monday for the foreseeable future.

Today's blip is the marvelous yellow Icelandic Poppy that magically emerged from its hairy cocoon (Blip here) in all it's sunny glory. I had purchased a coral flowering plant, and so was taken aback to find this yellow bud emerging. But it's an easy explanation - there were two plants in the pot that I purchased. I wish it was more magical than that, but perhaps this gorgeous blossom is magic enough, eh?

Thank you so much for your kind wishes for my mom's birthday yesterday! She was so happy!

Be well and be safe!

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