Potato plants

The potatoes look so exotic and vulnerable at this stage of their growth. Almost like tobacco leaves and very susceptible to blight.

I’ve a green house full of plants waiting to go out. Yesterday planted out lettuce, sweet corn, celery and Seuss chard.

Had intended to start putting out tomatoes but that necessitated recultivating the soil and removing half a tonne of stone and preparing a base for the second 3,000 litre water tank I’ve ordered.

A most beautiful day enlivened by a golden oriole - elusive as ever - calling from the trees in the Big Field.

Gate crashed zoom-ins with the Kerry Lass and Jolene in Singapore.

Have begun, with my sister as co-executor of Mum’s estate, to begin the great unravelling. Have taken on a good probate lawyer to steer us through the maze.

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