Abstract Thursday
What a lazy one I have been today, although we did have a decent walk this morning.
I've been watching a couple of YouTubes, one taking over an hour which was epic, the other one from our own John Gravett.....he’s very good and very easy to follow.
I have used all three extension tubes attached to my 50mm @ f1/4, for my blip today.
Today’s Stats
New Cases 1 new, 0 probable (yesterday 2)
In hospital 2 (yesterday 2) 0 in ICU
Recovered 1332 (yesterday 1316) 88%
Deaths 1 (20 previous)11 of these are from the same Aged Care Facility
South Canterbury 17 (yesterday 17) 0 in our local hospital
Total Cases 1489 (yesterday 1488)
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