We both walked Dog this morning, and as we approached the seafront along a gravel path I noticed two of these flowers. I didn’t recognise them at all and thought them very pretty. Out came the phone and I used google lens which informed me it was Salsify. I’ve heard of it, used in cooking etc but never seen it before.
Yesterday was a particularly ‘down’ day, so I got up this morning with a plan to be busy and positive! The local DIY shop had delivered fence paint a couple of days ago and so I set to it! 14.5 panels in total and the large drum of paint managed 13.5 of them! Mr L started with me but trailed off after 4 panels. I will get some more paint tomorrow to be able to finish before the weather turns next week. There is a picture in the extras for my records.
One of my team who is has been told she must not go out for a minimum of 12 weeks was really down last week and I had promised to call yesterday. I left it until today and happy to find She is much better and will join the zoom meeting tomorrow. Another team member emailed his predictions for the future, that with the economy suffering greatly, furloughing cannot go on for long and many businesses will be mothballed or collapse altogether. Sad, I hope he is wrong!
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