
The only photo I took today is of the completed jigsaw, all back in its box now. This one is the small one, 500 pieces and I was surprised at how committed to completing it i was once started. 

Thanks to Jenny I have now ordered some root cover for my hair and watched a tutorial, not that it really matters as I’m not seeing anyone! 

Week 7 of lockdown and furlough, I alternate between hoping lockdown is not lifted too early, causing a second wave and just wanting to get back to work and some sort of normality. My colleague is doing a fabulous job with the social media for my department and I just hope he thinks of VE Day on Friday and how it could link to some WW2 information. 

I FaceTimed with my brother in law this evening, he’s a head teacher currently working with the children of key workers. He told me he is expecting some children, specifically the year 6’s back to school after half term and is busy with his staff trying to work out how they will be able to address social distancing, especially during playtime, PE lessons and lunchtime. 

I ordered some more white paint to give the outside wall a second coat and and also some fence paint for a really long fence that we have both put off doing! At least I have a plan for the week!, 

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