Northern Exposure

By Northern


It was a beautiful  morning so I decided to head out to the Ness. Took my scope with me as well as the binoculars and had a very enjoyable half hour or so watching the wildlife drift by. A couple of young seals were enjoying the sunshine and around 20 or so scarfies were drying their wings whilst a tern thoroughly groomed it’s feathers nearby. A creel boat went past with an escort of gulls and bonxies whilst the fulmars did there fly past along the cliff edge. A gannet soared far out in the North Sea and sand martins whizzed around all to the sound of the eiders muttering to each other.

Thought I’d try sticking the camera on the scope eye thingy to see if it would catch an image. I was quite pleased with the slightly psychedelic frame and pretty impressed by the detail it held on the birds. Not sure it would win any prizes but it was fun to try.

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