Life on the edge...

By bru22

Happy Burns Night!

...ok so I am 4 nights late but after getting incredibly pished on Saturday when we planned to have a Burns meal I decided tonight I would cook this for Kirsty on her return home from work! I'm quite proud of my mince efforts (not so much of my packet mash!!)

Had the optician today which didn't really say what I expected although gave me answers which mean I need some glasses again, this time to straighten me out!! Apparently I am not straight, who'd a thunk it!!! My middle focal point isn't in the middle!! Maybe the answer to so many migraines... Maybe not! But worth a shot at trying to straighten me out anyway! I have never had all of the peripheral vision I should have and had treatment on my eyes when i was younger to stimulate more... so am quite geekily interested in how my eyes and my brain work! Although in this case, don't work! A blip soon of my new specs!! Fingers crossed it works or at least does something...!

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.
Phyllis Diller

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