POG's Journal


Drawing up plans…

Hi Everyone,

With all this self-isolation malarkey I have more time to think about my life now and where I would like it to be in future years. As some of you who follow me, I do spend lots of time thinking of things to distract myself… 

So, I have concluded that I am going to try and get a job again. I think the days of jobs for life are long gone therefore employers tend to have more of a short turn view how long someone will work for them, with this in mind hopefully being 60 should not cause me a problem. 

So, the plan is to look for a permanent job for the next 3 months somewhere within 50 miles from home. If I have no joy, then I will look to contract on a self-employed basis anywhere in the country. They are easier jobs to get as if your rubbish they can terminate the contract immediately to there is no real risk. The plus side is that you do get higher wages than permanent employment.

As I have got a few thinks on the go my plan is to try and wrap up as many of them whilst I look for a job. I have spent the day producing 6 to do lists, one for each of the things I need to complete and a way to monitor progress.

Not much else to report, I purchased a lathe last night and sods law a better one appeared this morning, anyway to late now. 

Stay happy, strong, and healthy… more tomorrow.


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