Life through the lens...

By ValC

Hiding in the buttercups.

On our walk today I spotted some brown cows in one of the fields.
Went to have a look, and discovered a few tiny calves hiding in amongst the buttercups.
This darker one was sat up, but just refused to turn round, but if you look carefully you can see a very tiny one almost hidden in the grass.
Will go back later to get a better photo.

A day spent doing household chores.
Washing hung outside, only to have a heavy rain shower.
The garden needed it, but my washing certainly didn’t.

Had a WhatsApp from the granddaughters who were at Oakwell Country Park.
A lovely photo of them both.
I’m afraid they would get wet walking back home.

The weather sounds good for tomorrow, so we have decided to go on a longer walk.
Keeping our distance of course from others.

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