Lots of faffing...

With this chive.

Mr C has been doing more jet washing around the side of the house whilst I had a bit of a silly Saturday moment.

I’ve never been a sporty person and I seem to being doing less and less since we’ve been in lockdown. So having ordered some new trainers, I have downloaded the app ‘Couch to 5k’ and went for my very first run ever. They set you a program depending on your age, weight etc and I started with a 5 minute walk warm up. Then 6 x 1 min run, 1.5 min walk and finished with a 5 minute walk cool down. It’s a start and I really hope I have the motivation to keep going. You do 3 runs a week and they estimate that I should be running 5k by the end of June. Hmmm.... we will see :-D))) fingers crossed my next run will be on Tuesday.

In the evening we watched the Andrew Lloyd Webber 50th birthday celebration at the Albert Hall.

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